Floyd County Wildlife Association
Membership Club for Outdoor Sports; Clay Shooting, Rifle/Pistol, Fishing, Hunting, Archery
Summer Hours-Office & Ranges available Wednesday thru Sunday 8 am - 7 pm .
Closed Easter Sunday, Thanksgiving Day , Christmas Day
Closed Monday and Tuesday except for member Camping, Hunting and Fishing
User Fees, Range Passes,
Hunting Leases
Shotgun Fees
Sporting Clays
100 birds
50 birds
$ 17.50
Golf Carts (available for sporting clays)
2 person limit $7.50 Per Person
Skeet, Trap, 5-Stand, Wobble Trap
$ 7.00
25 birds
Rifle/Pistol Range Fees
$ 7.00
Daily Fee
Annual Range Pass
Hunting Lease
(Full 2023-24)
Lease FY is June 1 - May 31st
FCWA leases land (approximately 2000 acres) around the clubs property for hunting. This land is available for members at a Lease Fee of $520 per person. The lease has a quota of (50) and if full you will be placed on a waiting list. But the last few years there was a few spots open. (Normal State Regulations),
FCWA Hunting Lease Rules
Hunting FCWA Property
FCWA (members) can archery hunt the property the association owns, (and one lease) this includes; deer, turkey, small game, hogs. Turkey can be hunted using shotgun. This is no extra charge for members. Sign in at office is required
(Archery Only, Deer, Small Game & Hogs)
Range Passes, Hunting Leases, User Fees; are per person, NOT per family.
Guest Policy
Non-Members May Attend Only With A Member In Good Standings As A Guest
And Then Only Twice in 1 Year, With Exception Of Certain Special Events & Organized Competitive Shoots And Matches
Article V
Section 1 For “Special Events” held at the Association, The Board can vote to allow non-members to participate. This would allow a non-member to attend multiple times, but only to participate in Special Events.
Section 2 Guests living over 100 miles from the Association will be allowed to visit multiple times (with a Member), provided they pay “Guest Fees” for activities they engage in.
Section 3 Guests living less than 100 miles from the Association are allowed to visit (with a Member) no more than 2 times in one year, without joining the Association, provided they pay “Guest Fees” for activities they engage in.
Section 4 Members may bring guests, but are totally responsible for the actions of their Guest.
Section 5 By a vote of The Board, a Member could face loss of Guest Privileges, be required to pay for damages, and face expulsion from the Association due to actions from their Guest.